Tuesday, August 14, 2007

PS3 Has No Games? Putting An End To The Myth

So today RDG decided to touch on a topic that's much debated on the web. We've been to enough gaming websites and forums to know that one of the biggest things argued about besides the price of the PS3 is that it has no games. So we're going to look at this statement a little bit and see how well it holds up.

PS3 was released in November of 06. The game that probably gained the most attention was Resistance: Fall of Man. I had my PS3 preordered and picked it up on launch day just like my Wii and in case you cared i bought my 360 in May of 06. My first game purchase was Resistance. I also want to mention that still to this day i find the game just at fun as i did last November online is a blast and the only other game I've played that tops it in online is Warhawk. Yes i was part of the beta and i must say that Warhawk is by far the best online gaming experience I've ever had.

Ok enough about that back to the issue at hand. What many people fail to realize is that backwards compatibility and the ability to play old games is a very important requirement in the eyes of gamers hence the reason why all 3 major console companies include it Wii can play Gamecube games and has the Virtual Console, Xbox 360 can play many Xbox games and the PS3 can play both PS2 and PS1 games. So by saying the PS3 has no games is like saying no one will be playing PS1 and PS2 games on their PS3.

A recent study from the NPD came out that said that only 30% of 360 gamers are aware of High Definition graphics for their console and only 40% of PS3 gamers are aware of Blu-ray being built in. So what does that tell us. The majority of consumers are not purchasing a PS3 or 360 for high definition picture quality. So that tells us the majority of them would have no problem playing older standard definition games on their new system. (Also both 360 and PS3 upconvert to a higher resolution for older games.) So with that being the case their are thousands of PS1 and PS2 games that that they can choose to play.

Not to point the finger at my fellow 360 owners but honestly the majority of the people that say the PS3 has no games are 360 owners that don't own a PS3. Also the 360 has more games due to its earlier release which was a full year. Also the few PS3 owners that say it has no games really can't say it either. They could say the PS3 doesn't have enough games that they like to play and for that to even be a legit statement they would not be owners of PS2 or PS1 games. And to the minority that complain that own a PS3 and have PS2 games i have one question. Why did you purchase the PS3 so early in its life cycle if you felt it didn't offer enough for you? Well for those PS3 owners or potential buyers out there the time has come. Starting on August 28th the games will start being released. We get 3 highly anticipated games all within a 2 1/2 week time frame and they are the following.

Warhawk 8/28/07
Lair 9/4/07
Heavenly Sword 9/12/07

There are several great games already released for PS3 also here are 3 of them

Resistance: Fall of Man
Ninja Gaiden Sigma

And for a good list of PS1 and PS2 games i suggest going to wikipedia.com type in "List of PlayStation 1 Games" or "List of PlayStation 2 Games" to get a pretty large list.

I usually like to end my posts with a helpful tip so here goes.

This applies to all consoles. I am the type of gamer that doesn't always trust a gaming sites review of a game (this being said its still a good idea to read them if you trust the site). I prefer to play it myself or read what a lot of other players say. So my tip is go to Gamefly.com find your game of choice and click on User Reviews. I usually sort the list by the lowest rating to read the negative things first. By reading these you can grasp a better understanding of what fellow gamers thought of the game and this can be the deciding factor of whether you should skip, rent, or purchase the game.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wii Love You Wii Hate You

The month is November the year is 2006 and two major consoles would be released a couple days apart. You know what i'm referring to. The Sony PS3 and the Nintendo Wii but for this post we are going to concentrate on the Wii. If someone would have asked me back in November if i thought the Wii would be where it is today I would have laughed in their face. Not because i didn't think the Wii would do good but because i didn't think it would be a hit so fast. In this case i don't get the last laugh.......or do I?
I had my Wii already preordered for launch. I was excited to try out this new console that everyone was talking about. I had visions of playing Wii sports with friends and gloating that i could not be beaten. When i walked into my local Gamestop i purchased a Wii, extra controller, and Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I remember that day well because i went on my lunch break and had to wait another 5 hours before i could get home and set it up. So finally i got home and set it up. I lived with 3 roommates at the time and they were just as excited as i was.
To shorten this story up a bit for the following 2 months it was nothing but fun playing Wii sports with my roommates and friends and playing Zelda when i could get the console to myself. In December i went out of town to visit my parents and the Wii was a hit there as well. While i was gone one of my roommates purchased a Wii for himself because it was so much fun and before i left to go back home i had talked one of my sisters into purchasing a Wii for her and her husband. The end of January rolled around and i had just beaten Zelda. By this time i had grown tired of Wii sports. I was a pro in each sport and it was rare that my roommates could beat me. Then reality set in. Wii was not fun anymore. I rented almost every game that was released at that time and i could not find anything to bring back the joy i used to have. I had beaten Zelda and even though i know i had missed many things in my quest and that it was so much fun to play i had no desire to replay it.
Here we are in August and i've rented many games but still have not found one to make me play the Wii like i had when i first purchased it. To be honest i sometimes i forget i own a Wii because i own a PS3 and 360 and they get the most play time. I watched Nintendo's E3 2007 press conference and i've searched the net for all upcoming game releases and news and the only thing that i'm remotely excited for is Mario Galaxy and possibly Wii fit. That is not enough. I can easily rattle off about 10-15 games each for PS3 and 360 that i'm excited for that will be released between now and the middle of next year. So whats wrong with the Wii? Will it truly turn out to be a fad? Will Wii owners such as myself start to tell friends and family that its just not fun anymore? I don't live with my roommates any more but i still talk to them and the one that owns a Wii feels the same way i do. He hasn't played in months. My sister who i talked into purchasing one hasn't played in months either. And everyone i know that owns one has said the same thing. Its not that the Wii doesn't have any good games its more that the Wii doesn't have any long lasting immersive games that make you want to come back for more. This would not be a huge problem if this only reflected current releases but it is the same with upcoming releases. Nintendo has done a great job at bringing new people in to play games but i fear that this will not last very much longer once the word starts getting out that the fun factor dies only after a few months.
So to end this post i will say i will keep my Wii because i don't want to miss out on the chance of a great game being released and i still want to play Mario Galaxy. I must confess though that overall i am very disappointed that my purchase of the Wii has not given me the same gaming satisfaction that both the PS3 and 360 have. So in the end Wii I Hate Wii I Love You.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

PS3 VS 360: Price Comparison After Price Drops

For the first post RDG decided to take a look at the cost differences for both consoles since they have both received price cuts recently. This will be a quick and painless comparison. We know that many deals exist out there and so to try to be as fair as possible we will be using the online pricing from the biggest major retailer Walmart. We will try to use the lowest available prices for any items needed. We will also be using the buying perspective of a hardcore gamer/movie lover someone who wants a great high definition movie and gaming experience. So for this buyer we will say that he or she wants the following items: most expensive version of the console, 1 game, 1 extra controller, hdmi, wifi, wireless headset ,dedicated remote control for movie viewing and high definition movie capabilities.

Sony PlayStation 3
80GB = $599.82
Extra Controller = $49.82
1 Game = $59.82
Xtreme HD HDMI = $19.94
Blu-ray Remote = $24.92
Blutooth Headset(Philips Vox120) = $18.88
PS3 Total = $773.20

Microsoft Xbox 360
Elite 120GB = $449.82
Extra Controller = $37.82
HD DVD Add-on = $179.82
1 Game = $59.82
WiFi = $88.82
Wireless Headset = $59.82
360 Total = $875.92

So the totals come to $773.20 for the PS3 and $875.92 for the 360 a difference of $102.72. Now this can be looked at in different ways. Here are a couple notes you can take from this analysis.

1. PS3 comes with a free game on top of saving $102.72.
2. 360 you get 40GB of more space for your content.

In conclusion its up to the consumer to decide where they shop which console and which accessories they want and which one overall presents the best value for their lifestyle and needs. RDG recommends this tip on how to decide which console is best for you. Look at the already released and upcoming releases for each platform and see which one has the games that fit you the best. That way no matter how much you spend or what options you choose you will be happy with your purchase.
Here are 5 upcoming exclusive titles on each console releasing this year worth looking into.
Warhawk 8/28/07
Lair 9/4/07
Heavenly Sword 9/12/07
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction 10/23/07
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/07
Bioshock 8/21/07
Blue Dragon 8/28/07
Project Gotham Racing 4 9/11/07
Halo 3 9/25/07
Mass Effect 11/1/07

This is my first post so in time my editing and pictures will get better.